This website is no longer maintained. We have tried to update certain information, however we recommend visiting the following websites for up to date information:
Coronavirus (Covid-19) Updates - Go Thassos ( for Arrivals in Greece -
Coronavirus Updates and Frequently Asked Questions
When can i come?
Starting from the 19th of April citizens from:
The European Union
The United States
The United Kingdom
The United Arab Emirates
New Zealand
South Korea
will be allowed entry in to Greece

All other countries will be welcomed on the 14th of May.
It is very important that you correctly indicate that Thassos is your destination on your PLF form. If you do not, you may find yourself prevented from traveling to Thassos. Also, you should travel directly from your arrival point to Thassos. If you are stopped and checked at a location off the path to Thassos, you could be subject to fines.
Entry Requirements
You'll need one of the following to enter greece without needing to quarantine:
You'll need ALL recommended doses of any of the following vaccines:

Pfizer BioNtech
Astra Zeneca/Oxford
Johnson + Johnson/Janssen
Sinovac Biotech
Gamaleya (Sputnik)
Cansino Biologics

and 14 days must have passed since the last vaccine dose
present a negative PCR test (from within 72 hours) upon arrival
Ways to travel
By Road
OFFICIALLY OPEN for all travel including tourism (from 19 April)

BULGARIA, Kulata - Promoachonas, GREECE
BULGARIA, Makaza - Nimfea, GREECE

CLOSED for non-essential travel including tourism

ALBANIA, Kakavia - Kakavia, GREECE
ALBANIA, Kapshticë - Krystallopigi, GREECE
BULGARIA, Ilinden - Eksohi, GREECE
BULGARIA, Zlatograd - Thermes, GREECE
BULGARIA, Ivaylovgrad - Kyprinos, GREECE
BULGARIA, Kapitan Petko Voyvoda - Ormenio, GREECE
NORTH MACEDONIA, Bogoroditsa - Evzoni, GREECE
TURKEY, Pazarkule - Kastanies, GREECE
TURKEY, Ipsala - Kipi, GREECEUpon arrival, you must present a completed passenger locator form (
By Air
Starting from 19 April, the following airports (those relevant to getting to Thassos) will be open for international tourist arrivals...

Thessaloniki International Airport “Makedonia” (SKG)
Athens International Airport Eleftherios Venizelos (ATH)

General Flight InformationI
f you fly to Athens first, Aegean Airlines offers connections to:

Kavala International Airport “Alexander the Great” (KVA)
Thessaloniki International Airport “Makedonia” (SKG)

If you fly to Thessaloniki International Airport “Makedonia” (SKG), you can hire an airport taxi or rent a car at the airport to continue your journey to Thassos.

If you fly to Kavala International Airport “Alexander the Great” (KVA), the closest airport to Thassos, we recommend hiring an airport taxi to continue your journey to Thassos.
By Sea
There are ferry boats running from both Kavala & Keramoti

for updated timetables please visit
Lockdown Measures
Even though Greece will be open for tourism starting 19 April, tourists will be required to follow all lockdown measures that are in place.

Depending on the number of Covid cases in each region, the Greek government classifies each one according to level of severity. Each level has a different set of lockdown measures.

During the lockdown, you will need to complete and carry with you a movement form.
You can get this from here: Lockdown movement permit (

To learn about current restrictions for Thassos, please visit the Greek government’s official Covid map. It is a handy guide to understanding what restrictions apply for Thassos. You will need to use Google Translate to read it in your language because the website is in Greek.

Covid-map |

When you get to the Covid map page, click the island of Thassos and then the blue link that appears. This is shown on the screenshot provided. The link will take you to a list of all the restrictions that currently apply.

We highly recommend reading this page as it contains the most up to date information
Click here for travel information and entry requirements
image credit: Elena Gagani
Dear visitor,

I would like to welcome you to the beautiful island of Thassos. Thank you for choosing again our green island as your travel destination. My main duty, as well as of all the citizens of Thassos, is to ensure you will have a safe and pleasant stay. We rose to the challenge and we succeeded through cooperation and collective effort. That’s why our motto is  #ThassosAlwaysReady

The mayor of Thassos
The State Mechanism, Health Service, Police, Coast Guard, Fire Brigade, are always ready 24 hours a day
European Emergency Call Number  112
Police number  100  or  0030-2593022500
Fire Department number  199 or  0030-2593023199

The Health Center of Prinos and National Health Center, the Mobile Health Units of COVID 19 and the General Hospital of Kavala are always ready.
For Covid 19 National Information Center, call  1135
National Health Center call  166
For Health Center of Prinos call  0030-2593350000

The Municipality of Thassos, its staff and the Civil Protection Mechanism are always ‘Ready’ !
Municipality of Thassos 0030-2593350100

The citizens of Thassos, the professionals of Tourism, Accommodation, Catering and Trade are always Ready.
This is our Power and our motto

Αγαπητέ επισκέπτη,

σε καλωσορίζω στο όμορφο νησί της Θάσου. Σε ευχαριστώ που επέλεξες και φέτος το καταπράσινο νησί μας για τις διακοπές σου. Κύριο μέλημα δικό μου αλλά και όλων των πολιτών της Θάσου είναι  να μεριμνούμε για την ασφαλή και ευχάριστη διαμονή σου. Τολμήσαμε και κερδίσαμε μέσα από τη συνεργασία και τη συλλογική προσπάθεια το στοίχημα αυτό. Για αυτό το σύνθημα μας είναι #ThassosAlwaysReady

Ο Δήμαρχος Θάσου
Ο Κρατικός μηχανισμός, Υγειονομική Υπηρεσία ,Αστυνομία, Λιμενικό Σώμα, Πυροσβεστικό Σώμα, είναι πάντα έτοιμος
Τηλέφωνα 24 Ωρες το 24ωρο

Ευρωπαϊκός αριθμός κλήσης έκτακτης ανάγκης  112
Αστυνομία κάλεσε 100  ή  0030-2593022500
Πυροσβεστική κάλεσε 199 ή  0030-2593023199

Το Ε.Σ.Υ του Πρίνου και το ΕΚΑΒ  , οι Κινητές μονάδες του COVID 19 και το Νοσοκομείο της Καβάλας ειναι πάντα έτοιμα ΕΚΑΒ
Εθνικό Κεντρο Ενημερωσης Covid 19 κάλεσε  1135
ΕΚΑΒ κάλεσε  166
Για το κέντρο υγείας πρίνου κάλεσε 0030-2593350000

Ο Δήμος Θάσου , το προσωπικό του και η Πολιτική Προστασίας είναι πάντα ‘Ετοιμοι'!
Δήμος Θάσου 0030-2593350100

Οι Δημότες της Θάσου,οι επαγγελματίες του Τουρισμού, της Διαμονής ,της Εστίασης και του Εμπορικού τομέα ειναι Πάντα Έτοιμοι. ΕΙΜΑΣΤΕ ΠΑΝΤΑ ΕΤΟΙΜΟΙ ΓΙΑ ΣΕΝΑ
Αυτή ειναι η Δυναμή μας και το συνθημά μας

Liebe Besucherin, lieber Besucher,

ich begrüße Sie auf der wunderschönen Insel Thassos. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich auch in diesem Jahr für unsere grüne Insel und Ihren Urlaub auf Thassos entschieden haben. Mein persönliches Anliegen sowie das aller Bürger von Thassos ist es, für Ihren sicheren und angenehmen Aufenthalt zu sorgen. Wir haben uns dieser Herausforderung angenommen und diese durch großartige Zusammenarbeit und gemeinsame Anstrengung gemeistert. Deshalb lautet unser Motto #THASSOSalwaysready
Der Bürgermeister von Thassos, der staatliche Mechanismus, das Gesundheitswesen, die Polizei, die Küstenwache und die Feuerwehr sind täglich 24 Stunden erreichbar und einsatzbereit:
Europäische Notrufnummer  112
Polizei  100  oder  0030-2593022500
Feuerwehr  199 oder  0030-2593023199

Das Gesundheitszentrum von Prinos, das Zentrum für gesundheitliche Soforthilfe, die mobilen COVID 19 Einheiten und das Krankenhaus von Kavala sind bestens vorbereitet und jederzeit erreichbar :
Nationales Informationszentrum COVID 19  1135
Zentrum für gesundheitliche Soforthilfe 166
Gesundheitszentrum Prinos 0030-2593350000

Die Gemeinde Thassos, ihre Mitarbeiter und die Schutzrichtlinien stehen stets zu Ihren Diensten.
Telefonnummer der Gemeinde von Thassos 0030-2593350100

Die Bürger von Thassos, die Fachleute für Tourismus, Unterkunft, Catering und Handel sind gerüstet. WIR sind bereit für SIE. Das ist unsere Stärke und unser Motto:
Дорогой посетитель,

Добро по жаловать на остров фасос. Спасибо, что выбрали этот зеленый остров для отдыха в этом году. Моя главная забота и забота жителей  фасоса – ваше безопасное и приятное пребывание. Мы осмелились и выиграли эту ставку благодаря сотрудничеству и совместным усилиям.Вот  наш лозунг #ThassosAlwaysReady

Мер Фасоса
Государственный механизм, медицинские услуги, полиция, управление портом, пожарная коман Национальный центр неотложной помощи,да, всегда готов. Телефоны 24 часа в сутки.
Европейский номер службы экстренной помощи  112
полиция  100  или  0030-2593022500
Пожарная команда  199 или  0030-2593023199

Национальная система здоровья на Прино  и национальный центр неотложной помощи, мобильные подразделения за covid 19 и   больница на Кавале всегда готов.
Национальный информационный центр за covid 19: позвоните по телефону 1135
национальный центр неотложной помощи :позвони по телефону 166
национальная система здоровья : позвони по телефону 0030-2593350000

Муниципалитет Фасос , и политика защиты  всегда готовы.
Муниципалитет Фасос 0030-2593350100

Жители острова Фасос, профессионалы туризма, торговли и общественного питания всегда готовы. всегда готовы для вас. Это наша сила и наш девиз
Draga vizitatorule,

Bine ai venit pe frumoasa insula Thassos !Iti multumesc pentru alegerea ta de a face si anul acesta vacanta pe insula noastra .Principala preocupare a mea si a  tuturor cetatenilor insulei Thassos este aceea de a avea grija sa aveti o sedere sigura si placuta .Am indraznit si am castigat prin colaborare si efort colectiv acest pariu .De acea deviza noastra este #ThassosAlwaysReady

Primarul insulei Thassos
Mecanismul de stat , Serviciul de Sănătate , Poliția  , Politia Navala ,Detașamentul de Pompieri , sant gata pregatite pentru a intampina orice probleme.
Telefon 24 de ore din 24

Numar european pentru telefon de urgenta  112
Politia Locala  100  sau  0030-2593022500
Detașament de pompieri  199 sau  0030-2593023199

Centrul de prim ajutor din Prinos ,  Unitatile mobile adresate persoanelor cu  COVID 19 si Spitalul Județean  Kavala sunt intotdeauna pregatite
Centrul national informativ COVID 19 sunati la 1135
Salvare sunati la : 166
Centrul de prim ajutor sunati la : 0030-2593350000

Primaria insulei Thassos si angajatii mecanismului de stat pentru protectia populatiei sant intotdeauna pregatiti .
Primaria Thassos 0030-2593350100

Cetatenii insulei Thassos , profesionistii din domeniul turismului , spatiilor de cazare , spatiilor catering si comertului sant intotdeauna pregatiti . Santem intotdeauna gata pentru tine . Aceasta este forta si deviza noastra
Caro visitatore,

Ti do il benvenuto alla bellissima isola di Taso.Ti ringrazio per aver scelto la nostra isola tutta verde per le tue vacanze anche quest'estate.Il primo obiettivo tanto mio quanto degli abitanti di Taso è assicurare il tuo soggiorno sicuro e piacevole.Si tratta di una scommessa vinta grazie alla collaborazione allo sforzo collettivo.Ecco perché il nostro moto è #ThassosAlwaysReady

Il Sindaco di Taso
Tutte le enti pubbliche, la Protezione Civile, la Polizia, la Guardia Costiera e i Vigili del Fuoco sono in allerta continua. Chiama 24 ore su 24.

Numero unico di emergenza  112
Per la Polizia chiama il numero  100  oppure lo  0030-2593022500
Per i Vigili del Fuoco chiama il 199 oppure lo  0030-2593023199

L'Unità Sanitaria di Prinos , l'Emergenza Sanitaria (EKAB), le unità mobili di controllo di COVID 19 e l'ospedale di Kavala sono in allerta continua.
Per il Centro Nazionale di riferimento per il COVID 19 chiama l' 1135
Per l'Emergenza Sanitaria (EKAB) chiama il 166
e per l'unità sanitaria di Prinos chiama lo 0030-2593350000

Il Comune di Taso, il suo personale e la Protezione Civile sono pronti!
Comune di Taso 0030-2593350100

Gli abitanti di Taso, i professionisti dei settori del turismo, della ristorazione, così come di quello alberghiero e di quello commerciale sono Sempre Pronti!SIAMO SEMPRE PRONTI PER TE! La nostra forza e il nostro moto è
Скъпи гости,

Добре дошли на красивия остров Тасос. Благодаря Ви, че и тази година избрахте нашия зелен остров за Вашата почивка. Мой основен ангажимент, както и на всички жители на Тасос, е да се погрижим за Вашия приятен и безопасен престой. Ние преодоляхме предизвикателствата със задружна работа и съвместни усилия. Затова нашето мото е #ThassosAlwaysReady
Кметството на Тасос, Правителството, здравните служби, полицията, бреговата охрана и пожарната са винаги в готовност – 24 часа в денонощието.

Единният Европейски номер за спешни повиквания  112
Полиция  100  или  0030-2593022500
Пожарна 199 или  0030-2593023199

Спешна медицинска помощ (Ε.Σ.Υ) и Болницата в Кавала (ΕΚΑΒ) са в постоянна готовност. За връзка с Националния
Информационен Център за КОВИД-19 – обадете се на 1135
За връзка с Национален Център за спешна медицинска помощ (ΕΚΑΒ) – обадете се на 166
За връзка със Здравния Център в Принос – обадете се на 0030-2593350000

Община Тасос, нейните служители и службите за гражданска защита за ВИНАГИ В ГОТОВНОСТ!
ОБЩИНА ТАСОС 0030-2593350100

Жителите на Тасос, професионалистите от сферите на туризма, настаняването, общественото хранене и търговията са ВИНАГИ В ГОТОВНОСТ!НИЕ СМЕ ВИНАГИ В ГОТОВНОСТ, КОГАТО ИМАТЕ НУЖДА ОТ НАС! Това е нашата сила и нашето мото:
evgili ziyaretçi,

Bu güzel taşos adasına hoşgeldiniz.Tatil için bu yemyeşil adamızı seçtiğiniz için size teşekkür ederim.Benim ve taşos halkının garanti bir tatil geçirmenizi amaçlamaktayız,Cesaret ederek bu iş birliğimizle hep birlikte başaracağız.Bunun için parolamız #ThassosAlwaysReady

Taşos Belediye Başkanı
Kamu kurumları,Sağlık birimi,polis,sahil güvenlik,itafiye birimi her gün telefonlar 24 saat hizmetinizdedir.

Acil aramalar için  112
Polis  100  veya  0030-2593022500
İtfaiye 199 veya  0030-2593023199

Covid-19 ile ilgili kavala hastanemiz her zaman hizmetinize açık.
Covid-19 için 1135
EKAB için 166
Prinu sağlık merkezi için telefon 0030-2593350000

Taşos Belediyesi ve memurları her zaman hazırdır.
TAŞOS BELEDİYESİ 0030-2593350100

Taşos'daki profesyonel turizimciler ve esnaflar hazırdır.SİZLER İÇİN HAZIRIZ.Parolamız ve gücümüz aşağıdadır.
Lieve bezoekers.

Van harte welkom op het mooie eiland Thassos. Heel hartelijk dank dat u ook dit jaar weer besloten heeft voor een vakantie op ons mooie groene eiland.Mijn grootste zorg, evenals die van alle inwoners van Thassos,  is zorgen voor uw veiligheid en een gelukkig verblijf. Door goede samenwerking en inspanning is het ons gelukt ons doel, uw veiligheid,  te bereiken.Daarom is ons slogan #ThassosAlwaysReady

De burgemeester van Thassos
Het overkoepelend orgaan: de gezondsheidszorg, de politie, de havenpolitie en de brandweer staan 24 uur per dag voor u klaar.

Europees noodnummer  112
Politie  100  of 0030-2593022500
Brandweer 199 of  0030-2593023199

Gezondscentrum Prinos, de Eerste hulp, de mobiele medische dienst COVID-19 en het ziekenhuis van van Kavala zijn altijd stand-by.
Nationale informatie centrum COVID-19 1135
Eerste hulp 166
Gezondscentrum 0030-2593350000

De gemeente Thassos,  de medewerkers en de dienst  van burgerveiligheid staan altijd voor u klaar en zijn te bereiken via

De bewoners van Thassos,  de ondernemers in het toerisme, de horeca en het winkelwezen staan voor u klaar.WIJ STAAN ALTIJD VOOR U KLAARDat is onze kracht en onze slogan.
Dragi posetioci,

Želimo vam dobrodošlicu na prelepo ostrvo Tasos! Hvala vam što ste i ove godine odabrali naše zeleno ostrvo za svoj odmor. Prioritet svih stanovnika Tasosa je da vam obezbedimo bezbedan i ugodan boravak. Ovo smo postigli odolevajući izazovima zajedničkim, udruženim snagama. Iz tog razloga naš moto je #ThassosAlwaysReady

Gradonačelnik ostrva Tasos
Lokalna uprava, zdravstvene službe, policija, lučka uprava, vatrogasna služba uvek su u pripravnosti. Telefoni su dostupni 24h dnevno.

Evropski broj za hitne slučajeve  112
Policija  100  ili 0030-2593022500
Vatrogasci 199  ili 0030-2593023199

Dom zdravlja u Prinosu i hitna pomoć, mobilne jedinice COVID-19 i bolnica u Kavali uvek su u pripravnosti.
Nacionalni centar za informacije o COVID-19 pozvati 1135
Hitna pomoć 166
Dom zdravlja Prinos 0030-2593350000

Opština ostrva Tasos, njeno osoblje i službe civilne zaštite su uvek u pripravnosti.
Opština Tasos 0030-2593350100

Stanovnici Tasosa, delatnici u turizmu, hotelijerstvu i ugostiteljstvu kao i svi ostali pružaoci usluga uvek su u pripravnosti.
Ovo je naša snaga i naš moto

Vážení návštěvníci,

vítám Vás na krásném řeckém ostrově Thassos.  Děkuji Vám, že jste si pro letošní rok vybrali náš "smaragdový" ostrov. Mým hlavním zájmem, stejně jako zájmem všech občanů Thassosu, je postarat se o váš bezpečný a příjemný pobyt zde na ostrově.

starostka Thassosu
Zdravotnická zařízení, policie, pobřežní hlídka a  hasiči jsou připraveni Vám kdykoliv pomoci, pokud by bylo třeba. Telefony fungují 24 hodin denně. Důležité kontakty:

Evropské číslo tísňového volání  112
Policie  100  nebo 0030-2593022500
Hasiči 199 nebo 0030-2593023199

Centrum zdravotní péče ostrova Thassos (v obci Prinos): 0030-2593071100

Obyvatelé Thassosu, profesionálové v oblasti cestovního ruchu, ubytování, stravování a obchodu, jsou Vám plně k dispozici, proto se na ně neváhejte s čímkoliv obrátit. Naším mottem je:
Supporting the #ThassosAlwaysReady campaign, we are releasing a set of merch to support the island of Thassos, and pledge that all the profits will go to promoting awareness via social media campaigns.
Visit Store
Some videos from our friends at Thassos Tourism Organization, plus live webcams
These are some live webcams, showing the beautiful views of Thassos live, 24/7.
Golden Beach
provided by
provided by Hotel Angelica
Limenas Port & Prinos
provided by Natura Bungalows
Warning, the following information is from last year. It may still be a helpful guide, but we recommend contacting your accommodation or travel agent for the most recent and up to date information
COVID-19 Policy and Procedures*
How we're taking care of you
Our hotels are health first certified and follow the Ministry of Health's guidelines on cleaning and sanitisation according to the national legislation.
Communal and Public areas are cleaned and sanitised daily. We also disinfect surfaces and equipement after each use.
During breakfast, we disinfect all of the tables and chairs after each use and provide single-use cutlery wherever possible.
We ensure antibacterial gel is available in all areas.
The hotel staff is equipped with all the required disinfectants and cleaning products to ensure all areas meet the highest levels of hygiene.
We provide all the relevant information in order to keep you as healthy and safe as possible during your stay.
Guests not residing in the hotel are strictly prohibited from entering the hotel even if they are relatives or friends.
How you can take care of us
Please sanitise your hand as often as possible especially, after using the toilet. Please cover your mouth then coughing or sneezing, ideally using a tissue, disposing of it safely after use and washing your hands immediately.
Please respectively abide by social distancing. All communal furniture has been repositioned to meed social distancing requirements.
During breakfast please respect the maximum number of seats per table and avoid gatherings.
Guests are requested not to enter the breakfast preparation areas.
Upon check in and check out please wait at the indicated points.
Keys left at reception must be placed inside specified boxes for sanitisation.
For long staying guests, any room cleaning services will be done upon customer request only. This is to keep our personel safe.
In case you develop symptoms duing your stay please stay in your room and contact the hotel's certified Heath officer who will contact the medical doctor and follow the protocol for the provision of immediate medical care.
Staying healthy is everyone's responsibility
*these are just guides for hotels, for specific information regarding your stay please contact the hotel you've booked with for more information.
COVID-19 Information
While you're away from your home, you should know that Thassos has been preparing to address emergencies that arise due to the Coronavirus. Read on below to find out what you can expect if you happen to encounter any situations related to Covid-19 while on holiday on Thassos.
Will Thassos be safe?
Yes, Thassos will be a safe destination to visit this summer for everybody who follows the health and safety protocols which the Greek government has put into place.We’re confident about this because we have a proven track record. Greece very successfully managed the pandemic from day 1 through its strategy that is completely guided by science. Our successful strategy has been focused on five pillars: awareness, personal hygiene, social distancing, isolation and testing, and track-and-trace.
The Greek government has kept the public well-informed of the real situation based on scientific data. Having this data has empowered the people to make informed decisions in order to protect themselves and those around them.
Personal Hygiene
Every person is responsible for keeping themselves and the people they encounter safe. We can achieve this by washing our hands regularly with soap and water, using antiseptics when on the move, wearing a mask when inside public places, coughing or sneezing into the back of our elbow, and avoiding touching our faces.
Social Distancing
Greeks love to socialize and be close to one another but social distancing is an important part of the national strategy against Covid-19. Instead of shaking hands you can do an “elbow bump”. Instead of hugging and kissing cheeks you can blow a kiss (without blowing air). Instead of standing next to someone you can stand 1.5 metres away. Taking small measures like these make a big impact.
Isolation & Testing
As soon as a Covid-19 case is suspected, the person and their household go into temporary isolation. A cotton-swab is used to take a sample of the person’s saliva which is sent to hospital labs for molecular testing. This test takes up to 24 hours but offers extreme accuracy.
Track and Trace
When a test comes back positive, the highly specialized Covid-19 responders begin the track-and-trace procedures. They rely on victims to inform them of the people and places they visited recently. Then they rapidly visit these people and places, take new samples from the people for testing, and order the places to temporarily close down for disinfecting procedures.

Thanks to this strategy and the efforts of every person, we were able to limit the spread of the virus during the “first wave” in Greece. We will continue our efforts and we ask that you help us keep Thassos and Greece safe by adhering to the health and safety protocols
How will cases be managed on Thassos?
If a positive case is discovered on Thassos, the local authorities have a plan to manage it quickly in order to keep you and everybody else safe.
Thassos Covid-19 Testing Unit | Covid-19 Rapid Response Mobile Unit
On 22/05/2020, the Greek state equipped Thassos with a dedicated Covid-19 rapid response mobile unit. This unit has the capability to respond to any suspected cases of Covid-19 on the entire island. They will go directly to any location where there is a suspected case in order to take a saliva sample and send it to the lab in Kavala’s General Hospital.

While waiting for the results, the person who is tested will temporarily self-isolate with everybody in their party, for example, their family and friends who are on holiday with them.

If the test result is positive and Covid-19 is discovered, everybody else in their party will then get tested. Anybody who tests positive will be quarantined for 14 days in a special location provided by the state.

If the case becomes serious or critical, the patient will be taken by a special Covid-19 ambulance to Kavala’s General Hospital for treatment.

The Greek state will cover the accommodation costs for any tourist that tests positive for the coronavirus while on holiday in Greece. It is not yet known if they will cover food and medical costs.
Sources & Additional Information
What You Should Know
Covid-19 Symptoms

Most common symptoms:
dry cough

Less common symptoms:
aches & pains
sore throat
loss of taste or smell
a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes

Serious symptoms:
difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
chest pain or pressure
loss of speech or movement

Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility.

People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home. On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.
Getting Help
If you suspect that you or someone with you is showing Covid-19 symptoms, please self-isolate immediately and then inform your accommodation host without coming into direct contact with other people.

Your host will then call a special hotline on your behalf to report the suspected case and help will be on the way to you.
General Hospital of Kavala
Located in the regional capital of Kavala, on the mainland, the general hospital is equipped with a special Covid-19 treatment center for serious cases. It takes about 1.5 hours to travel from Thassos to the hospital using the frequent ferry connections of the island.
Hotels & Resorts
Accommodation on Thassos
You're probably wondering what your stay will be like during your time here. Be rest assured that accommodations on Thassos will be following very specific health and safety protocols to ensure you have the best holiday experience!
Hotels on Thassos opened in 2 phases:

June 1, 2020: Year-round hotels
June 15, 2020: Seasonal hotels & resorts (the majority of accommodation on Thassos)The Greek government has mandated various protocols to ensure the health and safety of guests and staff. Hotels must register for and display the "Health First" certification in a prominent place. This certification indicates that the business is complying with public health protocols.
Health First certification
"Health First" CertificationThe most basic requirement is for all establishments to have clearly defined procedures in place to manage suspected cases of Covid-19. This will allow for swift action to be taken to reduce spread of the virus to other guests and staff. Hotels with 50 or more rooms are required to have a doctor on call who will coordinate with the Greek National Health Organization to test suspected cases of Covid-19.

Hotels are required to keep a log of all guests which includes names, nationalities, dates of arrival and departure, and contact details which will be used for contact tracing should a coronavirus case is identified at the hotel.

In order to ensure that rooms are properly sanitized, check in and check out times have been extended. The mandatory check-out time is 11am and the check-in time is 3pm. These time changes are necessary to give cleaning staff the extra time necessary to ensure that your room will be properly cleaned and sterilized.

It’s important to note that only guests of the hotel are allowed to enter the premises. This means you cannot bring family or friends staying in another hotel into your room.

Outdoor pools will operate but with a capacity of 1 person per 5 sq. m. of pool surface area. Indoor swimming pools will not be allowed to operate.

If you are curious about the many other health and safety protocols that the government has mandated for hotels, please visit this page on the Ministry of Tourism website.

You should be rest assured that the government is doing all that it can to ensure you have a safe and healthy holiday to Greece.

We recommend that you contact your host for any questions or concerns related to Covid-19 during your stay.
Organized tourist campsites will be open starting 1 June, 2020. Children's campgrounds will open starting 29 June, 2020.

Similar to hotels, campgrounds must have an action plan established in order to respond to any suspected cases of the coronavirus. This includes a log of all guest details (names, nationalities, arrival and departure dates, and contact information) in the event of a later coronavirus case being detected.

Health protocols for campsites must be made available to guests. It should be known that you must accept and follow the instructions of the campsite otherwise you could find yourself forced to leave. This includes social distancing guidelines (minimum 1.5 meters between yourself and others who are not in the same family) and wearing a face mask in indoor areas.

You will not be allowed to have any friends or family members staying at other accommodations visit you in the campsite. It is for guests only.

If you are curious about the many other health and safety protocols that the government has mandated for campsites, please visit this page on the Ministry of Tourism website. You will need to scroll down to section B of the page.
Transportation on Thassos
After you've figured out what's necessary to visit Thassos and where you'll be staying, you might find yourself wanting to know how you'll get around. If you don't bring your own vehicle, you will need to rely on other forms of transportation. Read on below to learn about the measures in place regarding transportation.
Vehicle Rentals
Car rental companies are instructed to clean and disinfect each car between different customers.

The most important thing for you to know is that each car will have a maximum capacity.

Vehicles with up to 7 seats: 1 driver + 2 passengers
Vehicles with 8 or 9 seats: 1 driver + 3 passengers
Parents traveling with children may exceed these passenger limits.
Face masks are required in arrival and waiting areas of public transportation and to board buses in Greece.

Bus capacity is reduced to 65% of the available seats. That means if you need to get around with the bus, we recommend that you arrive as early as possible to the bus stop to ensure seating.

Be sure to check out the bus schedules in order to be at your stop early enough!
In order to protect both your health and that of the taxi driver, passenger limits have been introduced.

Taxis will have the following passenger limits:

Vehicles up to 7 seats: 1 driver + 2 passengers
Vehicles with 8 or 9 seats: 1 driver + 4 passengers
Passengers may not sit next to the driver.Parents traveling with children may exceed these passenger limits.

All passengers and the driver are required to wear a face mask.

There will be a 150 EUR fine for both the driver and passengers for any violation of these rules.
Beaches & Swimming Pools on Thassos
You've been locked up at home long enough and now it's time to get outside and enjoy the sun and sea! While on Thassos, you'll be able to enjoy our beautiful beaches, but we just ask that you do it safely. Check out the information below to see what the situation is like at beaches and pools.
Beaches on Thassos are open and ready to welcome you!
Organized Beaches
Organized beaches will follow health and safety protocols to ensure your safety.

The government is requiring that all organized beaches control the number of people entering beach areas to 40 people per 1000 sq. m.

Umbrellas must be placed far enough apart from one another to allow for physical distancing between sunbathers. For instance, the poles of beach umbrellas must be 4 or more meters apart from each other and the edges of each umbrella must be 1 or more meters apart. Only 2 people are allowed under each umbrella.

Sunbeds on organized beaches will be sterilized between each use and you will be required to place a towel on the sunbed.

Any sports requiring physical contact are not permitted.
Unorganized Beaches
If you prefer beaches free of beach chairs and umbrellas (unorganized), you'll be enjoying the beach at your own risk. You and other visitors should take all necessary measures to ensure that your experience will be safe and healthy. If you find yourself at a crowded beach, we recommend that you find a new location that is less crowded.
Have no fear! You will be able to enjoy swimming pools while on holiday this year.

Outdoor swimming pools will be allowed to operate during the summer. Unfortunately though, indoor swimming pools will remain closed for safety reasons.

To avoid overcrowding, limits to the amount of people in the pool at any one time apply. For instance, there can only be 1 person per 2.5 square meters of pool surface area.

Chairs and sunbeds (in groups of 2) are to be spaced apart allowing guests to maintain a 2 meter distance from others. For your safety and that of others, a towel should be placed on the surface of the chair.
Beach & Pool Bars
Beach and pool bars are in operation.There will be some health and safety measures in place.

Only table seating will be allowed. Those of you accustomed to sitting at a bar and enjoying a drink will have to forego that little pleasure until things improve.

Also know that you'll have to bring your own music! Beach bars are not yet allowed to play music or organize events for the public.
Unless you plan to roast on the beach all day and every day of your holiday, you'll probably want to enjoy other activities. But, as you probably have already guessed, there are a few things you need to know so you can have a safe and fun time.
Food & Drink
All bars, cafes, and restaurants are open in Greece.To avoid overcrowding, each establishment is only allowed 1 customer per 2.2 sq. meters of usable space.

There is a limit of 6 people per table, unless you are a family with minor children. In this case, the limits do not apply.

Customers are not allowed to crowd around bars.If there is a buffet, only employees are allowed to serve food. You are not allowed to handle any serving utensils.
Archaeological Sites
Archaeological sites in Greece reopened 18 May, 2020.

Entry into these areas will be restricted to ensure crowding does not occur. Fortunately for Thassos though, this isn't a problem. All sites typically are quite large and even with normal tourist numbers, they are never crowded!

If you do find yourself in a crowded space, the 1.5 meter distance between persons is expected to be followed.
Museums in Greece are open.You are asked to keep a 2 meter distance between others in the indoor spaces of museums.

Wearing a face mask is required for visitors.Sources & Additional Information Shopping 3 June

Almost all stores in Greece are open.Depending on the type and floor size of the business, there will be a limit to the number of people that may be inside at any given time.

These limits should be defined at the entrance of each establishment.Customers are required to maintain a safe distance from one another.

It is also recommended to wear a face mask in crowded spaces.
Live Performances
Live events such as concerts in open spaces will be allowed starting 1 July, 2020.

If space is limited, occupancy for the event will be limited.

Seating will be spaced to the standard 1.5 meters between each guest. If events do not provide seating, guest are expected to observe the 1.5 meter distance rule between one another.
image credit: Elena Gagani
Campaign and website design, developement and hosting generously donated with lots of love for Thassos and it's amazing people
by Creativity Films Ltd. and Thomas Doukinitsas
listen to our song by clicking here, or listen on spotify:
The following infromation is provided in Greek as it is intended for greek buisnesses. For more information please visit
image credit: Elena Gagani
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